

Services contain object definitions that with the help of a builder will handle the object build process and provides instance reuse, if necessary.

$smwgServicesFileDir describes the location of the services directory.

Services factory

Object instances are generally accessed using the ServicesFactory locator and its public methods.

Service files and containers


  • importer.php provides services for the Importer
  • mediawiki.php isolates MediaWiki specific functions and services
  • events.php isolates event services


  • SharedServicesContainer.php contains common and shared object definitions used throughout the Semantic MediaWiki code base and are accessible via ServicesFactory
  • ServicesContainer temporary container to be used to inject services into a object instance

Service specific factories

  • DataValueServiceFactory provides service and factory functions for DataValue objects that are specified in datavalues.php
  • ImporterServiceFactory

Services registration

$containerBuilder = new CallbackContainerFactory();
$containerBuilder = $callbackContainerFactory->newCallbackContainerBuilder();

$containerBuilder->registerCallbackContainer( new SharedServicesContainer() );
    $GLOBALS['smwgServicesFileDir'] . '/' . 'mediawiki.php'

Example for a service[edit]

  • Extraneous language − provides "extraneous" language functions independent of MediaWiki required by Semantic MediaWiki and its registration system.